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Template to document your HubSpot and Salesforce integration

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Why document your HubSpot and Salesforce integration?
Salesforce is the system I most often integrate with HubSpot. With Salesforce's long-standing reputation and the reliance of many sales teams on its data, it's no wonder why this integration is so popular. It's the first integration HubSpot offered natively and it's still one of the best solutions I've worked with.
As marketing and sales teams continue to merge, they are realizing the importance of resolving any friction that may arise from working in different systems.
In many companies, the sales team utilizes Salesforce while the marketing team relies on HubSpot. However, this separation often results in siloed data, making it challenging to gauge the success of clients' marketing and sales efforts. The Salesforce integration solves this problem by seamlessly connecting both systems, allowing users to access critical data from both platforms. To facilitate this smooth integration, the integration mapping template helps users organize their data effectively.

Document all fields across objects

Identify potential issues before you connect the systems

Make it easy to plan future projects
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